Idea 172 - Van Sambeek & Watano
Japanese graphic design magazine IDEA issue 172. Text in English and Japanese.
Works of Richard Seireeni by Takenobu Igarashi
Terror of Being Afraid of Nothing: Kazuya Takaoka’s Art Direction by Shigesato Itoi
Bill Brown & Associates by Takenobu Igarashi
Works of Murray Tinkelman by Shinichiro Tora
Feature 1: Van Sambeek & Watano, 1966-1981 by Shigeru Watano, Will van Sambeek
Design Process, Olivetti 1908-1978 by Editors
The 19th APA Exhibition
Feature 2: Fred Otnes’s Collages by Shinichiro Tora
Ettore Sottasass Jr.
The story of a school by Dr. Robert L. Leslie
Marilyn Hoffner, New Yorker Art Director by Interviewer: Midori Imatake
Visual Design Art of 66th NIKA Exhibition
1981 Hamilton King Award
Society of Illustrators Hall of Fame
Pages: 132
Published: 1982
Dimensions: 22.5cm x 29cm
Condition: Good